Monday, March 19, 2007

Terms of Endowment

Came across an MMORPG called "Eternal Lands" and found some interesting economy-related items in the terms of service that you have to accept before entering the game:

7. Illegal Multi (cont'd)
NO same-owner IP trading.
Middlemen are NOT allowed and do not make same IP trading legal between characters.

This is really the first time I've seen a prohibition on this. Subscription funded games love when you do this because you have to sustain two accounts. For games that charge for items, I can see why this would be discouraged, though. Which brings up another interesting point - this is also the first game I've seen that maintains there own item shop *outside of the game* check it out here.

12. Sell And Trade At Your Own Risk
Eternal Lands will not be held responsible for any transactions dealing with real monetary currency/items or in game money/items. No selling of character or guilds, or advertising of them, is to be made in game public chat or channels.

Pretty standard fare here - caveat emptor.

14. No Improper Advertising
Do not market, promote, advertise or solicit within the Eternal Lands or any non-Eternal Lands related businesses, organizations or websites.

Hooray! This sounds like a good policy to me. I can think of two good reasons why:
1. to curb annoying spam in chat and
2. attract/secure in-game advertising by preventing any "non-paying" advertisers to get their word out.

17. No Bag Spamming
Do not drop large numbers of bags for any purpose as this may lead to the bags of others to disappear and cause people to lose the items they have temporarily placed at their feet.

Seems like we have a "feature" here that can be put to evil use. You don't want a gazillion bags accumulating on the ground, so you make them go away when they exceed the maximum allowed. BUT, someone figgered out that they could cause grief to other players by making legitimate bags disappear prematurely. I'm not sure how you catch someone or decide who to blame when this happens, but if I had to put my bag down I'd find a remote place to do it.

Some new twists and there's logic behind every one. One marvelous thing about all these game worlds is that they each have their own unique system or interpretaino of how to run and control commerce and we just get to sit back and see which ones work.



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